Unlocking the Future: Navigating the Kotlin and Android Development Roadmap


# Basic Programing Language
1. Learn Kotlin
2. OOPs in Kotlin
3. Design Patterns
4. Collection & Generics
5. Kotlin Coroutines
6. Kotlin Flow API
7. Jetpack Compose

# Learn Data Structures
1. Array
2. Linked list
3. Hash table
4. Stack
5. Queue
6. Tree
7. Graph

# Learn Android Fundamentals
1. Activity & Fragment
2. Views & ViewsGroup
3. Dialogs & Toast
4. Internets & Broadcasting
5. Services
6. Long-running Operation
7. Saving & Cashing Data
8. Memory & Optimizations
9. Supporting Different Screen Sizes
10. Permission in Android
11. Android JetPack Componet
12. Dependency Injection
13. NetWorking & Multithreading
14. WorkManager
15. Material Design
16. OkHttp(Retrofit)
17. Exception & Error Handling
18. Gradle & Debegging
19. Backend integration
20. Retrieve, Parse & PostData
21. RxJava

# Architecture
2. Clean Architecture
3. Git & GitHub
4. Gitlab vs BitBucket
5. FireBase
6. SQlite, RoomDB, RealmDB & DataStore
7. CI/CD
8. Agile Methodology, Scrum & Kanban

# Android Unit & UI Testing
1. Espresso
2. Robolectric
3. Mockito
4. Junit
5. UI Automator

# Security
1. Encrypt/Decrypt
2. Progruard Rules

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