JSON a complete guide

 What is JSON?

-       JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

-       Files are saved with .json extension.



-       JSON is a text format to show structured data & commonly used for transmitting data in web-applications.



-       Basic understanding of HTML & CSS.

-       Basic Concepts of JavaScript.


How to Write it:

-       JSON written in the form of Object (JavaScript).



    “name” : “Dream Developers”,

    “email” : d2dreamdevelopers@gmail.com



The example defines an object with 2 properties.

1.    Name

2.   Email

    Every Property has its own value.

    If You parse the JSON string with a JavaScript program. You can access the data as an object.

        let name = obj.name;

        let email = obj.email;


Why Use JSON:

-       It is text-only so data can easily be sent between computers and is language independent.

-       JavaScript can easily convert JSON data into Js Object.

-       JavaScript has a built-in function for converting JSON string into JavaScript Object. { JSON.parse() }

-       JavaScript also has a built-in function to convert object to JSON String. { JSON.stringify() }


Storing Data:

-       JSON makes it possible for us to store js objects as text.

-       Let’s see how to store data :


-       Data is in name/value pairs.

-       Must be separated by commas.

-       Curly braces hold objects.

-       Square brackets hold arrays.

Thank for Reading!!

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