1. Usersnap
Take a snap and annotate any webpage you load in Chrome with the use of Usersnap.
The extension makes it easy to give visual feedback and report bugs. All your screenshots are saved instantly in the project's dashboard.
This extension is also utilized on a daily basis by Google, Facebook, and Microsoft developers.
2. Loom
Loom allows you to create videos straight from your browser as well as capture screencasts.
This easy-to-use extension features complete desktop recording including front-face cameras.
It also provides unlimited storage for all y your video files and allows video sharing anywhere via an embedded HTML code.
3. Window Resizer
Window Resizer is a useful extension for web designers in creating a responsive website design.
It lets you resize any window browser to see the different resolutions of various sizes of the screen.
4. Site Palette
If you see a website using colors that capture your attention, you can take advantage of it with Site Palette.
The extension can obtain the main colors used by that site and then produce a shareable palette that you can show to associates easily.
5. Evernote Web Clipper
Save anything you want online. Whether it is something you find interesting and inspiring or for research purposes, you can save all of them in your Evernote account, including images, links, and text with one simple click.
Even if the original content is deleted online, you will have it forever.
6. The Great Suspender
If you are a web developer or designer that has numerous tabs always open, The Great Suspender is perfect for you.
All activities of unused tabs are put to halt by the extension ensuring that unnecessary resources are not being utilized to run pages that are dormant.
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