5 Soft Skills Every Developer Should Have

 1. Problem Solving

As a developer, you will have to be a very good critical thinker and be able to take clients problems and look for solutions.
Whether that be knowing which technology to use or how to fix bugs in your code.

2. Initiative

You should be willing to take the initiative to self-new technologies as needed.
Take the initiative to take charge of your own career and keep pushing to further it.

3. Communication

Working as a developer requires constant interaction and communication with clients and others team members.
You should be able to communicate concisely and in a manner that is easy for others to understand.

4. Attention To Detail

Being a developer requires attention to detail when you are coding or even just working with clients.
Sometimes the smallest misspelled word can cause a bug. You need to be able to spot the issues.

5. People Skills

You should be comfortable or at least able to work on a team and collaborate.

Thanks for Reading !!

Happy coding !!

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