We will Secure Our API keys using NDK. NDK Stand for Native Development Kit.
Note : Make Sure We have install NDK in Your Android SDK.
Step 1: Create Jni Folder in Our Main Directory.
- Change Android Directly to Project.
- Create New Jni Directly Under APP > SRC Folder.
- Android.mk
- Application.mk
- api-keys.c
- Create Android.mk file and Paste Below Code.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := api-keys
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := api-keys.c
- Create Application.mk file and Paste Below Code.
APP_ABI := all
Now at the End ,Create api-keys.c file and Paste Below Code.
#include <jni.h>
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_d2dreamdevelopers_myapplication_APIKeyLibrary_getAPIKey(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance) {
return (*env)-> NewStringUTF(env, "YOUR_AWESOME_API_GOES_HERE");
Step 3: Now Link Our C File to Gradle.
Right Click on api-keys.c File. And Click on Link C++ Project With Gradle.
In this Dialog,
Build System -> ndk-build
Project Path -> Select Android.mk file of your Project.
In this Dialog Select ndk-build in Build System and Project Path Give Android.mk file.
Step 4 : Write getKeys() in Our MainActivity Class or Where we Need the Key.
For Kotlin :
init {
external fun getKeys() : String
For Java :
public native String getKeys();
static {
Right Click on this method and Create this method in api-keys.c
Now Open api-keys.c file and In the Return Statement Write the key.
So That's Guys. We have Successfully Implement NDk in Our Project.
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